Whole House Coconut Carbon Filter

A whole-house filter system treats all water traveling to any faucet or fixture in the home. It removes the chemical before it can be ingested, breathed in, or absorbed by the skin during washing or bathing.

Model No.

Whole House Coconut Carbon Filter

A whole-house filter system treats all water traveling to any faucet or fixture in the home. It removes the chemical before it can be ingested, breathed in, or absorbed by the skin during washing or bathing.

Model No.

How does a Coconut Carbon Filter work?
A coconut carbon filter has become one of the best forms of activated carbon for water filtration and water purification in recent years. Coconut carbon filters absorb contaminants and volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Upon installation, backwash to remove carbon fines before placing unit into service. The carbon filter should be installed before the water softener to insure your water is removing the contaminants before softened.

  1. Connect the carbon filter to the main water line from the house.
  2. Water is forced through the pores of the carbon. Carbon filters remove contaminants through adsorption, which means the contaminants are attracted to the surface of the activated carbon and held to it; very similar to the way a magnet attracts and holds iron filings.
  3. The spent activated carbon coconut shell is reactivated by heating it to incredibly high temperatures. Heating the spent activated carbon to these temperatures allows the absorbed organics to be released from the pore structure.
  4. Carbon free water flows into a water softener, to soften your water before you now experience purified and soft water throughout your home.
  5. Backwashing when the filter regenerates or fills up the carbon.

In general, carbon filters remove at least 81 chemicals and are effective at reducing another 52. According to the EPA, activated carbon is the only filtering material that removes all 12 identified herbicides and 14 pesticides, along with all 32 identified organic contaminants. Activated carbon also removes chemicals, such as chlorine, that affect the aesthetic quality of your drinking water.

  • CS-HAC is an outstanding material for applications requiring taste, odor and dissolved organic chemical removal from water with suspended matter present. This product can be used for filtering waters having a wide range of pH levels.
  • Large surface area results in an exceptionally high capacity and efficiency.
  • Balanced pore structure gives a more efficient adsorption range.
  • CS-HAC is very durable so losses due to attrition are kept to a minimum.
  • CS-HAC has a very high carbon-low ash content.
  • Service rates of 5 gpm/sq. ft. are practical for ordinary taste, odor and chlorine loads.
  • CS-HAC will impart a high “polish” to the filtered water.
  • Removes/reduces less chlorine
  • Removes/reduces of THMS, VOCs and Chloramines
  • Effective at reducing hydrogen sulfide
  • Effective at removing impurities
  • Improves taste & odor
  • Affordable
  • Color: Black
  • Mesh Size: 12 x 40
  • Bulk Density: 28 lbs./cu. ft.
  • Effective Size: 0.55-0.75 mm
  • Ash Content: 2.5%
  • Iodine Number: 1,000 mg/g
  • Moisture as packed: 3%
  • pH 10
  • Certification: NSF/ANSI Standard 61

How often does the carbon need to be changed?

Answer: For the best outcome with the carbon and the best result in your home water, we recommend a maintenance update on the carbon filter about every 5 years.

Bundle & Save

Save when you buy a whole home system of a carbon filter + water softener + reverse osmosis or an iron & odor filter to enjoy purified drinking water and soft household water.

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