City Water Vs Well Water
We all have water that we use in our homes and depending on where we live, our water comes from different sources. City water goes through an underground network of public and private pipes after being treated, before that water makes it’s way to our homes. Well water is typically supplied by drilling into the ground to reach groundwater and then pumped directly to a home or business.
Not matter how your water is supplied, as a homeowner, it’s recommended for you to have your water tested and potentially treated. Keep reading to learn more about the two water sources and custom water treatment solutions, to provide you with the best quality of water.
City Water
In Minnesota, each city is responsible for maintaining the water quality. The main minerals that contribute to our hard water are calcium and manganese. Our course, it’s good to have some minerals in your water but having too high of mineral content can be harmful to your health and create a number of problem to your home.
Our local city water treatment plants do a lot to give our homes good quality water, but we have found that while you and your neighbor might get your water from the same source, water quality can vary significantly throughout the year. Major factors that affect water quality are due to your plumbing and chosen water treatment equipment.

Causes of Hard Water:
- White stains around water- using appliances.
- Build-up or scale in plumbing fixtures and pipes.
- Fading of colored clothes and whites not staying a bright white.
- Increased use of soap and detergent to clean.
- Water spots on glasses.
Important questions to know about your home:
- What year was your home built?
- Is there a water softener already and how old is it?
- What is the water hardness in your area?
- Is it sized correctly for the number of bathrooms and bedrooms in the house?
- How are the appliances in your home (new, ready to be replaced, good condition)?
If you are concerned about the water hardness in your home and you want to improve to have the highest quality of water, we have a few solutions for you. We will offer a free water test to see if you have any additional contaminants in your water and we’ll build you a customer water treatment solution.

Well Water
When you live on a property with well water that means your water supply comes from a private well. Your private well water will be used for drinking, showering, washing clothes, washing dishes, and all in home water usage.
Most well water comes from an underground aquifer and is often found in more rural homes. An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing material, that is dug down hundreds of feet beneath the ground’s surface. Most well water is pumped out of the ground automatically using a submersible pump or a jet pump that sits on top of the ground and draws water out of the ground to create water pressure for the home.
Since your home’s water supply is in the ground, your water is seeping through layer of soil and rock slowing the water to absorb various minerals. Therefore, you may want to test your well and understand what’s in your water before your family is drinking and bathing in that water, every day.
Important questions to know about your well:
- The size and capacity of the well can meet your family’s water needs, and how much water in the well, to prevent to the risk of it drying out.
- The wells condition to know if the well needs to be worked on and paperwork showing the wells history.
It’s very important to keep a record of when the well was drilled, the well depth, diameter, and materials. Records on your well’s history, condition, and maintenance will help you stick to a maintenance schedule.
Maintaining your well also includes annual water tests. You want to protect your well from harmful bacteria, volatile compounds, sediment buildup, and other contaminants. In your home you can be observant for any changes in your water like taste, smell, and orange around your water-using appliances. If you notice any changes in your water, it’s best to test it as soon as possible.
Schedule your FREE water test today!
This is the first step to ensuring you have high-quality water! Complete our no obligation form or call us.