Water Specialist 1″ TC Control Valve
Model No.
The control valves are state of the art automatic valves that cover a broad range of global applications. They are designed for residential, commercial and industrial use. Cycles can be set for downflow or upflow regeneration, or simply service, backwash and rinse. They are simple to configure for use in multiple tank systems as well.
The valves have a complete line of accessories including stainless steel flow meters, motorized alternating valves, no hard water bypass and system controllers.
- 2.5 Cubic Feet Capacity
- Four methods to initiate regeneration; meter immediate, meter delayed, time clock delayed or pressure differential
- Fully adjustable 6-cycle control delivers controlled backwash, downflow brining/slow rinse, second backwash, fast rinse, refill and downflow service
- Backwash and brining ability to 22″ diameter tanks
- Downflow regeneration
- Control valve design provides optimum service and backwash rates
- Treated water regenerant refill
- Mixing Valve option available
- Reliable and proven DC drive
Can be made to remove:
- Chlorine
- Iron
- Manganese
- Tannin
- Nitrates
- Sulfur smell
- Arsenic
- Solid state microprocessor with easy access front panel settings
- Front panel display for time of day, days until next regeneration, volume remaining, current flow rate and total volume used (Totalizer)
- Optional double backwash feature offers optimum regeneration, cleaning ability and efficiency
- 12-volt output AC Adapter provides safe and easy installation
- Mixing Valve option available